(Table n. 4)

TYPE A.C. motors
Utilization category AC2 & AC3
Maximum operational current Iem [A] Max. operational power [kw]
240V 380V 415V 500V 660V 1000V
N85 80 25 40 45 52 60 87
N125 110 35 55 60 72 85 120
N190 180 57 90 100 118 135 190
N270 250 78 125 140 164 190 270
N350 320 100 160 175 210 240 350
N550 500 158 250 275 328 380 550
N650 600 188 300 327 394 460 650
N800 750 240 380 415 500 580 800
N1000 900 283 450 490 590 680 950
N1250 1100 350 550 600 720 850 1200
N1600 1400 440 700 760 920 1050 1500
N2000 1800 570 900 980 1180 1350 1900
N3000 2500 780 1250 1360 1640 1900 2500

TYPE A.C. motors
Utilization category AC4
Maximum operational current Iem [A] Max. operational power [kw]
240V 380V 415V 500V 660V 1000V
N85 75 24 38 41 45 51 70
N125 95 30 48 52 57 65 90
N190 170 55 85 93 100 115 170
N270 210 67 105 115 124 140 220
N350 270 86 136 148 160 182 290
N550 450 142 227 250 270 307 480
N650 550 175 278 303 330 375 550
N800 650 207 330 360 390 445 650
N1000 800 256 405 442 480 545 800
N1250 1000 327 510 557 600 680 1000
N1600 1250 400 630 688 746 850 1200
N2000 1600 513 810 884 960 1090 1600
N3000 2250 720 1140 1250 1350 1530 2000

TYPE D.C. motors
Max. operational current Iem [A]
CAT. DC2 - DC3 (*) CAT. DC4 - DC5 (*)
N85 80 75
N125 110 95
N190 180 170
N270 250 210
N350 320 270
N550 500 450
N650 600 550
N800 750 650
N1000 900 800
N1250 1100 1000
N1600 1400 1250
N2000 1800 1600
N3000 2500 2250


(*) CAT. DC2 - DC3 : 1 pole up to 440V - 2 poles up to 1000V

(*) CAT. DC4 - DC5 : 1 pole up to 220V - 2 poles up to 750V

The above ratings are the maximum permissible for normal duty with reference to the making and breaking capacity stated by the I.E.C. standards 947-4-1.
The maximum operational current Iem is referred to a class of intermittent duty up to 20 operating cycles for hour. For intermittent duty higher than 20cy/h, the curves below give the corresponding derating.


Electrical Characteristics | Overall Dimensions | Contactors type TAN | Contactors type TDN
Contactors type TADN | Contactors type NF, NFS | Contactors type CN

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