All the contactors of the N series can be fitted with the mechanically latched control device tipe <<TA>>. By this device the contactors, when operated, remains mechanically latched and the closing electromagnet is automatically deenergized after a short delay which ensures a correct latching; the opening operation is made by a proper release electromagnet.

The <<TA>> device mounted on the contactors of the sizes over 190 Amps, includes a low consumption auxiliary contactor which controls the main closing electromagnet, thus allowing the operation by simple push buttons or auxiliary contacts.

The unit <<TA>> is also complete with an antipumping device and with hand operation levers; moreover, on request, it can be fitted with undervoltage release.

The <<TAN>> contactors, normally provided for D.C. supply, can also be fitted with a selfcontained rectifier for A.C. supply. The electrical charcteristics and the overall dimensions of the <<TAN>> contactors are the same of the standard type <<N>> contactors
of the corresponding size and number of poles with D.C. control and one more aux. contact besides those actually needed.


1) Terminals (+),(-) for D.C. supply (connect proper polarity)

2) Terminals (R),(S) for A.C. supply

T = contactor's main closing coil
RC = closing auxiliary relay
RA = release magnet
RA1 = release magnet
RA2 = 2nd release magnet (optional)
Rm = undervoltage release (optional)
KL = key look (optional)

Note: in the execution with A.C. supply through rectifier, the connections drawn with the dotted line must be made

On Request Double Release Magnet Available

(Table N°11)

TAN TYPE Closing auxiliary
Main closing
Undervoltage Release
Pick-up Holding
85 - 150 150 35 7
125 - 200 150 35 7
190 - 150 150 35 7
270 - 350 35 200 150 12 12
550 35 400 150 12 12
650 35 450 150 12 12
800-1000-1250 35 950 150 12 12
1600-2000 35 1350 150 12 12
3000 35 2000 150 12 12


Electrical Characteristics | Overall Dimensions | Contactors type TAN | Contactors type TDN
Contactors type TADN | Contactors type NF, NFS | Contactors type CN

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