MultiTek Reverse Power Relay
SELECTION GUIDE M200-RP1 Single phase or 3 phase 4 wire M200-RP3 3 phase 3 wire TYPICAL APPLICATIONS The M200 reverse power relay is used to monitor the direction of power from AC generators. If the current in the system being monitored is reversed, to a value greater than the customer adjustable pre- set limit, the relay will energise. The adjustable trip point is 2 to 20% of input current. An adjustable time delay of 0 to 20 seconds is provided. Correct setting of the trip point and time delay will ensure protection against motoring in the event of a generator failure and prevent tripping due to transients encountered during synchronising. A red LED indicates the state of the relay and a green LED indicates the condition of the power supply. OPTIONS 1. Adjustable time delay max 30 seconds 2. AC auxiliary in range 57.7 to 480 volts 3. Calibration at nominal Hz 35 450Hz 4. Calibration at temperature other than 23 C |
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION INPUT Rated value Un 57.8 <500V ± 25% Rated value In C. T operated 1 or 5A amp direct connection 0.2 to 10A Frequency 50 / 60 /400Hz Burden <3VA voltage < 0.5 VA current Overload 1.5 x Un 2 x In continuous 2x Un 10 x In for 3 seconds SETPOINT Range 2% to 20% reverse current Repeatability Better than 0.5% of full span Time delay Adjustable 200ms to 20 sec Hysteresis 1% AUXILIARY All units self powered WEIGHT & CASE SIZE Approx. 0.6kg. 100mm case ORDERING INFORMATION Product Code In Input Un Input Freq. M200-RP3 1 Amp 400V 50Hz |