PowerCom is a complete 1 phase or 3 phase multifunction AC power transducer
packaged in a standard 100mm DIN enclosure. The M550 is fully programmable
through the communication port.
(V) * Line Voltage (V) * Phase Current (I) * Frequency (Hz) *
Active Power per phase (W) * System Active Power (W) * Reactive Power
per phase (VAr) * System Reactive Power (VAr) * Apparent Power per
phase (VA) * System Apparent Power (VA) * Import Active Energy
(W.h) * Export Active Energy (W.h) * Import Reactive Energy (VAr.h)
* Export Reactive Energy (VAr.h) * Apparent Energy (VA.h) * Ampere
Energy (A.h) * Power Factor per phase (P.F.) * System Power Factor
(P.F.) * Amp Demand (Ad) * Watt Demand (Wd) * V A Demand (VAd)
* Maximum Amp Demand (Max Ad) * Maximum Watt Demand Import (Max Wd) *
Maximum Watt Demand Export (Max Wd) * Maximum VA Demand (Max VAd) *
Neutral Current |
The accuracy of the M550 is Class 0.2 to IEC 688 over the range
10% to 120%. For Active and Reactive energy the accuracy is 1% of reading to
IEC 1036.
MEMORY All data including energy
registers, current and voltage ratios and calibration data is stored
in a non volatile eeprom.
Modbus protocol. This enables remote reading and programming of the
PowerCom via a host computer. The RS485 allows up to 32 PowerComs to be
connected in parallel, allowing them to be used with PC, PLC, RTU, Data loggers
and Scada programs. The PowerCom’s communication port is
auto-configurable meaning that when connected to an existing Modbus network it
will automatically set Baud rate, Parity and Stop bits. A red LED is
provided to indicate power is present, and the unit is communicating correctly.
PULSED OUTPUT An option of pulsed
output via a relay is offered. The pulsed output can be assigned to W.h, VAr.h,
(import or export), A.h or VA.h.
PROGRAMMING CT and VT ratios, demand
time, assigning relay to different parameters, pulse duration etc. can all be
programmed via the RS485 port. Set-up and monitoring software is available
free from your Multitek distributor or visit the Multitek website
required Example Product Code M550-CT9 Nominal input voltage 230 / 400V
AC Nominal input current 5A AC System Frequency 50Hz Auxiliary
230V Options Pulsed Output |